I Made a bracket from some steel today to try and salvage my glovebox door. The results were amazing... I had no rubing issues, fit perfect and only took four screwes cant see the bracket when the door is closed, when the door is open its not to bad. I was wondering if people would like me to make them for the glove box, or would a company like to machine these brackets for me that would be cool too. I would be willing to make them currently for a small fee.
I am mostly wondering if i should get nice machined brackets made up and start selling them to b6 people, If i made them would you buy them. my hinge was completely broken off and it works great. it held with no epoxy- (i added epoxy mostly because iam anal. )
-glove box hing Fix???
-say a fair price-
what do yall think i am takking pictures of the whole process and will post when i am completely done with the part.
Mind that this is unpainted and unfinished at the moment...
I just finished painting it, it turned out Great, best mod Fix Ive ever done
Update:Ok cool even if you box isnt broken you can add one of these so it never will. PM if you want one. I have to hand make these, but I going to get a running count, make them then reply to PM's I talked to a machine shop they said they would essential make them the same way so his labor was 65 and hour plus about 15 a piece... I can make them for much cheaper...Not as pretty but much cheaper... so long story short 30 bucks or 45 for a set in flat black with 4 screws, Pm if you want one!
link to photo bucket: