After sending my turbos to Rubens at Audspeed, he installed new CHRA's and was SUPPOSED to install new K16 compressor wheels, and he may deny it, but why did he charge me for the new wheels then? Anyways, not 30 seconds after installation, they failed. No from oil starvation, or anything else, purely because they were not balanced correctly. He reused the old compressor wheels, and filed down the edges to try and cover up the marks that were on them. After BLOUCH analyzed them and said it was due to improper balancing job, Rubens still refused to refund my money. I am currently pursuing gettign my money back through the credit card company, as it is the last resort. I tried to work it out with him, but he is unwilling to rational, and runs a poor business. Please read the thread that I posted in the link, and decide for yourself!