Ok, so a few observations since I drove around with the thing today. Nothing earth-shattering, but interesting (to me at least):
1. The car gets hot fast, but cools very well. Sitting there in traffic the water temp rose to 209 and fan didn't kick on yet, but cooled to 195 after driving at speed for a few moments. Got it down to 191 after a brief distance. Our triple radiators really do their thing well.
2. The stock intake is pretty good at getting cold air. Intake temps were between 4 and 11 deg F over ambient, which is pretty good. I'd hate to see the intake temps on a shorty aftermarket one...
3. Got the HP gauge working. I find myself staring at the thing as I'm trying various levels of throttle...very dangerous. However, in the name of science, I did go full WOT on the highway this morning. It read 351 HP max, meaning there is some "wiggle room" on the sensors, or my car was reflashed (doubt it even though I bought it used with 2K miles on it), or it is using some sort of weird calculation to derive the HP value. Since it is only reading the output of the ECU, I'm guessing the first. Anyway, I guess it might be good for baseline info before doing mods.