Copied Tiptronic's instructions, but on the S-line fog grill
So, I bought 15 LEDs for my LED DIY project, trying to mimic Tiptronic's project. So that's 7 on each side, and 1 spare just cuz.
I marked off the sline grill and start drilling holes. The next day, I decide to start putting the LEDs in the grill and upon finishing the 2nd grill, I notice that I'm 1 LED short. WTF?!?!
I count the LEDs on side one and guess what, I drilled 8 holes on each grill w/o paying attention. What does that mean...I'm 1 LED short.
Here's the pic of the 'good' one.
I would have to say it'd probably be easier, and look cleaner w/ a dremel.
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