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  1. #1
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    Changing to aftermarket Clarion DVD HU

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    Let me start by saying that I don't post much but I love my A4 which I purchased in February. This is my first Audi. I am looking to have my local stereo shop change the factor stereo and replace it with a Clarion in dash DVD stereo system that will do everything that I want (Itouch/Ipod, satelite, Bluetooth phone, rear backing camera, rear seat headrest DVD).

    The installer at my shop is experienced and does a great job as I have used him on my previous vehicles and boat. He was wondering if replacing the factory unit will cause any problems when I take it to the dealer for service and it is hooked up to the diagnostic computer, will it give any error codes because it does not have the factory radio?

    After some discussion, he tells me that he replaced the factory stereo in a Mercedes SUV that had the fiberoptic wires. On that vehicle, the factory unit had to remain attached to the computer system to keep error codes from occuring. He was able to make it work so I do not have any reservations about the install.

    Thanks in advance for any help. I did search the forums earlier today.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Re: Changing to aftermarket Clarion DVD HU

    Nope, the radio can be replaced without any real side effects. I know on the older VAG cars there was an issue with the "K wire" but i believe thats not an issue anymore since they switched to the CAN bus.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Three Rings 4 black rings's Avatar
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    Re: Changing to aftermarket Clarion DVD HU

    Yeah you can do it fine. I did it with mine i swapped mine out for a Kenwood. If you want to retian you steering wheel controls you need a can-bus 2 in order for that to work. Hope my insight helped you out.

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    Re: Changing to aftermarket Clarion DVD HU

    You will be fine. There is no more K-line and even if there was ross-tech found the solution/work around for that ages ago.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Changing to aftermarket Clarion DVD HU

    Check out for the steering wheel adapter and the can-bus adapter. It's called the "complete vw radio replacement" or something like that, and it gives you Reverse, ACC, Parking Brake, and Illumination without having to tap into any wires. It's only for cars with the quadlock connector though (with factory nav or symphony II+)

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    Re: Changing to aftermarket Clarion DVD HU

    Thanks for the quick repsonses and help. Does anyone have any recommendations of brands of head units that have in dash DVD player? The stereo store that I was referring to is a Clarion and Orion dealer, but I trust their opinion as I have used them before.

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    Re: Changing to aftermarket Clarion DVD HU

    Is your only requirement a DVD player? Do you want NAV, Bluetooth, EQ capabilities?

    I ask because there are a lot of options out there. And frankly, I think there are much higher quality units than Clarion. Not that they make crappy units, I just don't think that they are at the top of anything.

    The DNX-8120 is a GREAT unit. I've played around with it several times in the store and my buddy has one. He loves it. Granted, its rather expensive but if I didn't get OEM NAV that is the unit I was going to purchase.

    If you don't mind long start up times and a couple other bugs the Avic F90BT is a good unit as well.

    There is the Eclipse AVN I think it is, that is a great unit, too. Probably the most expensive but very nice. It has 5v preouts and has pretty darn good tuning capabilities built it in. I haven't experienced the NAV but I hear it's good.

    If you wan't something cheap, I would go with the Avic D3. They look great and function very well. However, they are Pioneer's older model.

    If NAV is not something you want the DNX 7120 and Avic F700 I think it is have DVD players with no NAV. I believe almost all of the units above either come with Bluetooth or have an optional add-on. Also, they are all iPod compatible either out of the box or with an add-on.

    Good luck in your search!
    Last edited by bcramer; 09-26-2008 at 08:39 PM.
    2005.5 A4 2.0TQ 6MT
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  8. #8
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    Re: Changing to aftermarket Clarion DVD HU

    I've heard good things about the Kenwood DNX series. I know someone that has the DNX7120 in a STI and loves it. Personally I'm getting the Pioneer F900BT, even though there are some issues right now, I think it will offer the best functionality once the firmware update comes out, and it will probably look the best in my car (will match the piano black trim pretty nicely). The voice recognition system, similar to Ford's SYNC, and the fact that it runs windows CE (hax0rs!) are nice bonuses. People have already begun customizing the shat out of it.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Three Rings 4 black rings's Avatar
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    Re: Changing to aftermarket Clarion DVD HU

    I also have the Kenwood DNX7120 and love it. It is easy to use and very user friendely.

  10. #10
    Registered User Four Rings VMRSport's Avatar
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    Re: Changing to aftermarket Clarion DVD HU

    I would take a look at the Pioneer stuff. I've had Clarions in my other cars, and they were ok. I liked the older designs, just because it was simple and not flashy. However, performance wise, I am very happy with my Pioneer AVIC N3. They also make the D3 or D4, which is a complete replacement for what you are looking for, I believe.

  11. #11
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    Re: Changing to aftermarket Clarion DVD HU

    Many thanks for everyones recommendations. Looks like I have some research to do. As I previously mentioned, I will not be doing the install myself.

    I am mainly wanting a head unit that is a DVD player, Itouch compatibility with the capability to add rear backing camera, navigation, and rear head rest DVD screens in the future as the budget will allow. Bluetooth would be nice but is not a necessity.

    Thanks again.

  12. #12
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Re: Changing to aftermarket Clarion DVD HU

    Ignore my previous post about the C2R-VW from Enfig!! It does NOT work on Audi apparantly, despite having the same connector, and being listed under the Audi section of their website. I just emailed Enfig to see if they have any suggestions, and it not to get a refund.


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