We love to hear about people passing on our information to other customers, and would like to return the favor with the following:
For every customer that comes in and mentions your name, you get to chose one of the following $5 gift cards (we'll mail them to you, no need to come pick it up).

or Jamba Juice:

Update... at the request of a couple customers, we added a couple more gift cards to the list:

Cold Stone Ice Creamery

AND still, if you refer more than 5 people, after each 5 customers, we'll send out a $25 Shell Gas Card:

We have had a lot of people referring customers, but make sure you have people give your name so that we can send out one of the gift cards and a Thank You card as well.
If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 503-533-9300, or shoot us an email at [email protected]
Thanks again for all of your support!