the n80 is the valve sitting on top of your stock airbox with 1 electrical plug and a vacuum line on either side. fairly large and has a rubber housing around it usually. this is not the 1 way check valve downstream of it. the purpose of this valve is to allow unburned fuel vapor trapped in the charcoal filter to enter the combustion chamber via the intake manifold (all for the sake of emissions). a faulty one can cause mil, small evap leak, and rarely, even a lean condition. I've never used vagcom but with a 5051b/5052 (dealer scan tool) you can command the n80 (evaporative emissions purge valve) to come on. if you can do that, first listen for audible clicking. if it clicks it still could be bad. disconnect lines with it still actuating and electrically plugged in. try to blow in one side and see if it slowly lets air through (with each click). if it does then it is good and may have been temporarily clogged or had a temporary electrical gremlin. some intermittent/sporadic faults are semi normal. clear the faults and if it generates again, i would buy a new one. peace.