...i had all the parts necesary in order to make this car quick (beside BT) so the last thing that i need was the pump file from APR. I talked with them (Andy Jhonson from APR ) in may this year after i bought the pump. At the begining they didn't have the file perfomrnace file for my ecu and after one or two weeks when i called him back and he said that the performance file is on server so i should get in touch with the dealer from Berlin (wich i did) in order to get the update.
Due to the fact that i had some bad luck regarding this car , meaning that my clutch died and i had to replace the hole kit including flywheel , my 3rd synchro died also and nedeed replaced, beside that i had other problems the time passed and it was september when i decide to make the trip to Germany/Berlin in order to get this upgrade. On my way to Berlin the cluch began to the 5/6 gear around 2700rpm and i didn't pay any attention because i was very excited about the update i was going to do.
I arrived at the APR Berlin dealer and i made the update .. and honestly i didn't see and improvement . I didn't say anything because i was planing to go to a dyno to see exactly how i stand , but i asked him wich hp should i expect ..and he said around 272 because they had an a3 with similar upgrades and put out 272hp..

The next day i was doing i dyno/maha session at Porsche Zentrum Berlin..and guess what , my thought regarding the way car performed was true..i put out only 254hp,i was very disapointed . I went back at the APR dealer and showed him the paper and asked him if this is normal..he shoked me , he said that right now i only have " accomodation file " and NOT the performance file

Here is my dyno sheet and some photos from the Porsche dyno

So my trip to Germany was a complete failure. Costs involved :
- around 1000$ for fuell

- around 1500$ for a flywheel+clutch replacement (not done yet)

- 150$ for dyno/Maha

..don't want to complain , but if the car really gained some serious hp after all those mods i would have been verry happy and those huge costs were no longer be discussed.
Untill now here are the most important parts that failed :
- the oem clutch died after 6k km ( the car was 18.5k km when i bought it) and i replaced only the clutch with SouthBendClutch

- after another 7k km or so.. the complete kit needed replaced , so i bought something "strong" Fx 400 from Clutchmasters and Oem Flywheel

- in the mean time the 3rd syncro began to make strange noises so i bought the 3rd synchro repair kit and replace it

- and finally after this trip even the fx400 with kevlar and bla bla didn't hold up so when i tooked the car at the service shop and the mechanic told me that both parts need to be replaced..flywheel and clutch. The clutch with his strong material lose texture and also the flywheel is demaged because of the material used on clutch.

Right now the car runs with the same clutch but with the old clutch from SouthBendClutch. This is not a permanent solution .. i need a good advice regardin on what clutch+flywheel should i go next ?
I also removed the test pipe and the Forge DV because since i didnt see any spectacular gains for the hole package of mods i don't have reason for keeping that noisy upgrade. After all these problems that i had and all these money that i throw i have to say that there was a period when i wanted to sell the car and forget about all this

I really want to decide on wich setup shoud i go (clutch+flywheel) because this time i want to try a chiptuning from my country and see the difference. I was very disapointed on APR and due to this situation and i think i'll go AWE/Giac as soon as the BT comes out.