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  1. #1
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    help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

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    I have an A-box autospeed stage 1 ecu that I used for a couple of years. I recently installed siemens 630cc injectors, a new MAF, new spark plugs, and a new ECU flashed for the tial kit.

    The new A- box tial ECU does not start my car. It cranks and cranks and occasionally will "pop" up to 3-400rpm, but never will start.

    But, without changing anything other than switching in my old ECU, the car starts and runs fine using the old autospeed ecu (albiet really rich due to larger injectors).

    I get no codes when the autospeed ecu. And, I had two different shops put the tial ecu in other cars, and those cars ran fine on the tial ecu. I have swapped in new plugs twice with no luck.

    I'm stumped. I have full VAG and am open to trying anything. Keep in mind, the car runs fine with the old ecu and the new ecu runs other cars fine, but not my car.
    Last edited by purchasers4; 09-24-2008 at 12:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings AudiSportB5S4's Avatar
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    Re: help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

    well how does it run fine on other cars? how many other Tial kit S4s are there in your area LOL.
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  3. #3
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    Re: help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

    well the tial ecu will start and idle other cars... and the tial ecu was returned to a shop that built the code for the tial kit and tested in on an actual tial car

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings AudiSportB5S4's Avatar
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    Re: help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

    with the TIAL ECU, do you see EPC when you turn the key all the way without starting (the ON post)
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  5. #5
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    Re: help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

    Can I ask why your running 630's on stock turbos??

  6. #6
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    Re: help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

    I have an early 2000.. it has tial turbos, not stock. I was just trying the stock asp ecu as a last ditch in trying to figure out why the car would not start, and viola it started.

  7. #7
    Veteran Member Four Rings AudiSportB5S4's Avatar
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    Re: help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

    Quote Originally Posted by purchasers4 View Post
    I have an early 2000.. it has tial turbos, not stock. I was just trying the stock asp ecu as a last ditch in trying to figure out why the car would not start, and viola it started.
    do you see EPC when the car is in the ON position? in YOUR car.
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  8. #8
    Veteran Member Three Rings SilverSurferS4's Avatar
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    Re: help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

    What does it mean if he is not seeing the EPC light??

  9. #9
    Veteran Member Four Rings AudiSportB5S4's Avatar
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    Re: help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

    if you don't see the EPC light, then the car will not start, period. EPC stands for Engine Program Control.... so if that light isnt on then nothing will work and the ECU has a problem. that or the connection in the car but since the stock box is working idk why your car would be at fault. it IS weird how it works on someone elses car, can they get you a new ECU?
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  10. #10
    Veteran Member Three Rings SilverSurferS4's Avatar
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    Re: help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

    Quote Originally Posted by AudiSportB5S4 View Post
    if you don't see the EPC light, then the car will not start, period. EPC stands for Engine Program Control.... so if that light isnt on then nothing will work and the ECU has a problem. that or the connection in the car but since the stock box is working idk why your car would be at fault. it IS weird how it works on someone elses car, can they get you a new ECU?
    Ahh I get it! lol... Thats some good info to know...

  11. #11
    Veteran Member Four Rings BITRBO's Avatar
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    Re: help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

    don't you have to perform some ECU recognization process when trying to run one other than the original ECU? I remember seeing something about that in the VAGCOM manual...
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  12. #12
    Veteran Member Four Rings AudiSportB5S4's Avatar
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    Re: help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

    Quote Originally Posted by SilverSurferS4 View Post
    Ahh I get it! lol... Thats some good info to know...
    haha yeah, these cars are so tricky.... I swap my chip out a lot when VAST sends me new files and sometimes i dont push the chip down all the way or something and i get it all in the car, bolt up the rain cover to the ecu box then no EPC! SOB! lol so now ive learned to connect the ECU, MAKE SURE the EPC comes on, then proceed
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  13. #13
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Re: help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

    Appreciate your suggestion RE: EPC light. I'll have to check for that, I am waiting on the tial ecu to be returned to me right now from the shop. I do know that the check engine light came on when turned to acc on before starting, and my understanding was that meant the ecu-car connection was OK. I also could completely vag the tial ecu and check for codes, etc, just could not get it to start.
    Last edited by purchasers4; 09-24-2008 at 07:22 PM.

  14. #14
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Re: help! car starts with one ECU, but not another, and both ECUs start other cars

    confirmed, EPC light comes on


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