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  1. #1
    Senior Member Three Rings A4Quattro > all's Avatar
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    Weird Studdering problem while accelerating..

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    I've noticed over the past week while accelerating My car would studder. my thoughts on this are that there isn't enough air being put through my intake. Or there could be some sort of leak in my air intake. I notice it after I shift gears about a sec. or two after applying gas, the car studders..
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    2004 A4 Quattro
    1.8t 6 Speed Manual

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings Seerlah's Avatar
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    A place between here and there

    Re: Weird Studdering problem while accelerating..

    It is called a misfire. Check your plugs or ignition coil. If you have a Vag Com, there will be an intermittent code for misfires. It will tell you which cylinder is misfiring. If the misfires become really bad, you will get a CEL. Get your car scanned and look up the codes on Ross Tech.

    After you find out which cylinder is misfiring, take an ignition coil from a different cylinder and swap them out. If the misfire travels to the new cylinder, then it is the ignition coil. If it consists in the same cylinder, then it is your plugs. Replace as necessary.

    If you still have misfires after this, then post back and maybe another can chimme in and grant other advice.

  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Re: Weird Studdering problem while accelerating..

    A cracked spark plug insulator (white ceramic part) will cause the plug to arc/miss under increasing engine loads, but not so much at idle or off throtle. 2.8's don't have individual coil packs to try swapping. You could however try swapping the wires, but I bet your problem is with the ignition coil that is controls the firing output of all cylinders (where all your wires plug into.)
    2000 A4 1.8T
    1997 A4 1.8TQM

  4. #4
    Senior Member Three Rings Insomniac's Avatar
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    Re: Weird Studdering problem while accelerating..

    My 30v will do this as well, usually between 2-3k rpms. I figured it was time to buy plugs and wires.
    free earl

  5. #5
    Senior Member Three Rings A4Quattro > all's Avatar
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    Re: Weird Studdering problem while accelerating..

    I just bought new wires, and I'll check my plugs. I know I replaced them about 6 months ago, but I'll check if that's the problem. Thanks guys.
    2004 A4 Quattro
    1.8t 6 Speed Manual


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