My throttle body has been jacked up since Waterfest, have to continually clean the throttle plate pivot points every couple weeks or I get an Idle control valve malfunction code and my idle rests at about 1300-1400 with the ESP light flashing. I just cleaned it again on Friday, at this point just buying time until I can do an intake manifold for the R32 TB I have. Well, over the weekend it started F'ing up again (usually goes a few weeks after cleaning). I tried doing a TB alignment this morning, now the idle surges from 1300-2600 back and forth every couple seconds. No ESP light flashing now and the only code thrown is this:
16891 - Idle control system RPM higher than expected
PO507 - 001 - Upper limit exceeded
Clearly still my throttle body (or I think) but WTF, anyone else ever seen or heard this shit?
For anyone else thats done a TB align, what were the results? Mine were 14.5% & 85.2%, are those correct?