had an issue with my SB STG5 clutch a few thousand mi ago, it ate through a throw-out bearing within 15K with normal driving. Now I'm having a similar issue, it just started yesterday but has become progessively worse up to today, I didn't do anything different the past two days, so it started all of a sudden.
If it might be a symptom, the engagement point with this clutch in my car is pretty much at the point where the pedal is fully extended, maybe 1/4-1/2" before my foot is off the pedal, so very,very high. The clutch slave cylinder was replaced with the clutch so It has ~20K on it.
acutaly, it's acting like it did when the throw-out bearing went bad, and that is, the engagement point changes and it feels very limp, however sometimes it will shift completly normal, and sometimes it engages at the dead bottom and feels like it dosen't want to come back up. The pedal dosen't vibrate violently like it did when the bearing was bad however.
I bled the system when I got home and I'll try to bleed it again tomorrow, just wondering if it could be something besides air in the system since it's so sporadic.
P.S. if anyone knows how I can change the slave cylinder rod so that the engagement point is lower down please do tell!
thanks guys.