damm what a bitch that was. after the debacle with that screw, then came the amber lens caps. first one was a breeze... just stuck a screw driver from the back and popped it out. the second one wouldn't budge. the chrome plastic around it kept coming off with it. after drilling holes and playing with it for awhile.. we finally got it off but chipped a tiny chrome piece off the circular area right where the bulb comes in from and a few smears from trying to wipe fingerprints off. ahh well, its not noticeable once put together and looks great. the amber bulbs i got from xenonmods doesn't match my sidemarkers though.. it's almost red/orange. good thing it'll only come on for turnsignals.
oh and instead of using the oven cuz i was at my buddy's shop.. i just used a heat gun for only a few minutes and it seperated easily.