Hello, I just purchased a 2001 S4 with about 138,XXX miles. It was immaculately cared for and I do have the full service history on it. It appears that the EGTs were replaced recently, but I am having an issue...
I have not had it vag-com'd yet, so I am not sure on codes. I do have a CEL, always on, never flashing. I am boosting to 6 and holding 5 in 1st and 2nd. I get about 8 and hold 6 in 3rd on. Now, without checking the vag com (as I dont know anyone locally who has one at this time) is there any incling as to what this may be. The DVs are stock but the TBB looks to have been replaced as it has a newer screw style clamp.
I know that this is semi-vague, but it is the best I can do right at this moment. And yes, I have scoured the site looking for similar problem. It seems that none of the similar issues were ever met with a straight answer. So I am asking with the most complete information I have.
Thank you in advance,