Originally Posted by
Ummmm.. 114,000 hehe :)
I can not remember what I told you but you should have done a TB or are planning on it right now. That will cure your water pump problem
. Get a water pump with a metal impeller. Those plastic impeller ones break. I've seen it on way too many 1.8Ts (Audi & VWs).
Thermostat is the luck of the draw at that mileage. I'm 130k and still on the original thermostat but that might change. I think we're switching to a B5 thermostat to run my engine cooler.
How are your gaskets? Valve cover, etc...? Mine were leaking at 125k. I did those too when we did my TB and GT28RS install. Did it all at once.
Change that rear coolant sensor to a 'green' one. Those take shits all the time and will drive you insane trying to figure out the problem. We did that when installing my GT28RS as well.
your Coil Packs are relatively new if I remember correctly.
There is really nothing else.
Bottom line is if you have kept up with your regular maintenance there isn't that much of a problem when modding the car. Yes, mods like a BT will have little items show their ugly heads but that's the name of the game.
Originally Posted by
Just wait for it, Doug was the one telling me the most so it would only be fitting for him to post an "I told you so"
I don't think I'd be that blatant in my choice of words
. I'd most likely make you read in-between the lines like just above....