So it wont turn over. that kind of rules out listening in trunk for fuel pump because my guess is if it turns over it will start, so its probably getting fuel and spark.
I would check that sensor that was just replaced. the trans sensor. I was going to suggest looking at that anyway. Not sure if car is manual or auto, but if manual it should be under dash by clutch pedal. (you probably know where it is)
If you have an auto try moving it from park to neautral a few times and try to start it, maybe it didnt set right.
If I were to bet, I think it has something to do with that switch. Why did you have it replaced?
I'm also not sure if that cable can be used the same. You need the odb-II cable. I bought a cheap one off ebay and have the older version of vag-com. If you get a cable I can email you the software to use with your laptop.
when you turn the key, does it do nothing? Is there 1 click? If a single click that tells me the starter is trying to engage but wont turn. If it just clicks continually, that usually means battery too dead to start.
If no sound what so ever that usually means the safety mechanism is overiding the starter. So I would check with that.
Well hope this info helps.