I have seen hundreds of posts on VAG codes, and everyone just says to go to the RossTech website and follow the directions. There are no clear-cut directions and adding all the decimal places seems difficult for someone who has no idea what they are doin...LOL!
So I called my stealership and they said that if I bring down the codes and little side cash for their tech, they will enter them in. Can someone PLEASE post these codes in the format that I need to bring them to the stealership in? Really, I've tried and tried and cannot figure it out (sorry guys )
1. Roll windows up with remote
2. Unlock all four doors with ONE press of unlock button.
3. Raise RPM at idle, just a little, to diminish idle vibration.
If anyone can just post the codes, already in the format I need, I will do anything!!! Thanks a lot everyone and I hope this thread helps EVERYONE else in the same boat as me.