Just gauging interest if anyone would be interested in meeting up at like the lower falls on the conway side, or loon on the lincoln side. We would then cruise to the top and stop at the rest stop on the very top, where pictures and a small gettogether would be possible. We could then cruise back down and maybe eat in North Conway or something along those lines.
Just get back to me if you are interested, and what dates would work.
About 3/4 of the highway was just paved, so the ride is absolutely amazing.
The cruise will definitely be October 12. We will meet at loon at 11, and leave shortly thereafter. The cruise will go up the Lincoln side up to one of the top rest stops. We will take pictures and have a small GTG. While up top we will choose a restaurant, and the cruise will go down the Conway side of the Kank to the chosen restaurant.
Info on the highway itself: