i searched, could not really find the answer i was looking for. if this has been answered before please link me to the thread.
anyways here is my issue, i recently put 19" enkei's on my car and in order for them to clear the front brakes i needed spacers...i ordered 4mm spacers they clear my brakes fine. for some reason while im driving it seems like i hear the tires//pavement meeting but its too loud for it to be that. i can hear it over my system when its bumping pretty hard. i have eliminated the sound from the rears (no spacers in the rears...yet). is this common for the first few days of spacers or is there something wrong or??
just a few notes:
The car has not be re-aligned (doesn't seem like an alignment would be the cause for this noise), tires are balanced, and the tred on the tires is about %60 at the least on Kuhmo's.