I've finally got around to replacing knock sensor 2. Without any distractions I think I could have been done much quicker than 3hrs. If I had to do it again, it would certantly be a 1-1.5hrs job. I started by taking the throttle body off as I was going to clean it anyways. Then I moved onto the fuel rail and all the hoses connected to the intake manifold. Unbolted the intake manifold and pulled it out. Even with it out I could barely get at the bolt for the blue knock sensor. So I decided to dismantle the pcv hose from the block. With this removed I had enough room to fit a 13mm crow wrench with a swivel attachment on the bolt. Kind of a tight space to work in but finally swapped it out with the new one.
Put everything back on and tourqued the intake manifold to 10nm as well as the throttle body. From what I remember the knock sensors are suppose to be 8nm, but I tightened it a smidgen more than hand tight. Cleared codes and did a throttle body adaptation. It's got a little more kick as the timing is allowed to advance now that the sensor is functioning. No "knock sensor 2 signal too low" code yet so I think the problem is solved. Didnt start taking photos till everything was off. Pics didnt turn out too great, a little dark. Make sure you have some clamps to replace the one time use ones.
Knock sensor 2 is the bolt right above the green rubber O ring in the pcv housing
A little better picture here
The section of the pcv system I took off
New Intake Manifold Gasket. The section of the pcv system I disconnected is installed in this pic. Be sure to clean the surface before putting the gasket on
Walk through for throttle body