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Omg god holy engrish batman.. Im assuming English is not your primary language??
This sounds like someone did not prime theyre turbos, which is not uncommon.
Nope, they were primed before installation, as well as primed by pulling the ECU and cranking the engine over a few times for about 10 seconds each time. There was no evidence of oil starvation. Did you happen to see the pictures of the turbos before installation? I assumed the filing was to balance the wheels...Nope...he reused the wheels from the blown turbos I sent him, even though he charged me $100 for new wheels. He then proceeded to file down the edges of the fins to cover up the damage that was on the damaged wheels...sounds like an honest guy huh? Not to mention when it was making the whining sound, he told me to go drive it for 100 miles, because apparently, according to him, metal on metal sound is normal sometimes...
Anyways, to respond to what Audspeed posted...Yes, they were brand new CHRA's, however, when you take them apart and put different compressor wheels on them, they aren't factory balanced anymore, now are they? As for why it failed? Excessive amount of torque? I drove the car out of the garage, turned onto the street and drove off normally, and the turbo was blown before I even got above 10 InHg on my boost gauge, less than 10% throttle. So excessive torque? There is no such thing...Oil starvation? None...Blouch turbo did an analysis of the turbos, and said they failed due to IMPROPER BALANCING. The turbo that didn't blow YET was tested as well, and they said that it was 4-5 times more out of balance than specs allow. He said it would have failed shortly after the first one. Oh, and there WAS NO BOOST LEAK. I pressure tested the car several times, no leaks. Are you trying to tell me that a boost leak caused a turbo to fail that never even saw more than 10% throttle? I dont think so. Also, he HAS talked to Blouch. He called and talked to Mike at Blouch about it. He tried to feed that BS "excessive engine torque on the driver side bank" story to Mike and he said there is no such thing. As for a threat? No. I simply emailed him and told him that if we could reach a resolution, I would post online that he had settled things well and had good service. If he didn't want to work anything out, I would continue pursuing it through the credit card company, since he isn't willing to refund me, and that I would warn others of his shoddy business practices. I think it's only DECENT of me to warn others so they don't fall into the same problem. Would you guys be willing to pay $1100 for a junk set of turbos? And yes, I do have the paperwork to send to them. By the way, who do you guys think is a better failure analysis source? AN INDEPENDENT 3RD PARTY TURBO SHOP THAT IS UNBIASED, OR THE GUY WHO MACHINED AND BALANCED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE? Do you honestly think he is going to say, "Oh yeah, I balanced them wrong and thats why they failed"? Especially when he and Audspeed would have to eat the cost to fix them? Who is the better source? You guys decide!