So I get news that gas prices up here may jump up 0.12 tonight due to Hurricane Ivan, so I decide to head to the local gas station to fill up. I'm my gas gauge reads 3/4 full, so I'm expecting maybe a 35.00 fill up, hey pretty cheap. So I'm filling up, and it pasts 30, 35, 40, 45 so I go what gives...I take the hose out and the gas starts gushing out like crazy, I mean CRAZY. It doesn't stop for a good 2 minutes or so, and everyone's like looking at me like I'm a moron, filling up gas for the 1st time. So what gives, the car was at a level, I didn't hear a click or anything, what would be the reason to this? Also, I get home and I'm making sure there's nothing else wrong, I hear this gurgling sound from the gas tank, like someone with mad diaherea is about to blow....