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Thread: Gas Overflow

  1. #1
    Senior Member Two Rings asix_er's Avatar
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    Gas Overflow

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    So I get news that gas prices up here may jump up 0.12 tonight due to Hurricane Ivan, so I decide to head to the local gas station to fill up. I'm my gas gauge reads 3/4 full, so I'm expecting maybe a 35.00 fill up, hey pretty cheap. So I'm filling up, and it pasts 30, 35, 40, 45 so I go what gives...I take the hose out and the gas starts gushing out like crazy, I mean CRAZY. It doesn't stop for a good 2 minutes or so, and everyone's like looking at me like I'm a moron, filling up gas for the 1st time. So what gives, the car was at a level, I didn't hear a click or anything, what would be the reason to this? Also, I get home and I'm making sure there's nothing else wrong, I hear this gurgling sound from the gas tank, like someone with mad diaherea is about to blow....

  2. #2
    Established Member Two Rings wRek's Avatar
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    Re: Gas Overflow

    Doubt that it was your car that had the problem... The pump probably didn't realize it needed to shut off. I had that happen on my 62' Buick Electra once. The automatic shutoff didn't work, and it started spilling out the tank opening. :(
    2003 Audi a4 1.8t Quattro

  3. #3
    Senior Member Two Rings asix_er's Avatar
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    Re: Gas Overflow


    Turns out it's the charcoal canister that's blown. Not covered under the CPO warranty...i'm out 500 bucks...FAWKKKKKKK

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings Stampy's Avatar
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    Re: Gas Overflow

    you might want to do some research on this over on AW. Sometimes you can salvage the system. I know the overflow canister is kind of fussy on the 4.2. Thats why people throw that EVAP code all the time. I was told my canister needed to be replaced too, but it didn't. I ended up cleaning my purge valve(N80) with brake clean, and it was all good.

    Search EVAP on Audiworld in the C5 section. Your overflow could just be soaked or something stupid.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Two Rings asix_er's Avatar
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    Re: Gas Overflow

    Stampy, thanks for the heads up but I just okayed the work to go ahead. I didn't throw any codes at all, it was just a frickin mess of expensive gas all over the car. Plus, I feel more comfortable know that this is new and that my car won't be a overfilling anytime soon.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Two Rings East2.7Six's Avatar
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    Re: Gas Overflow

    Quote Originally Posted by Stampy View Post
    you might want to do some research on this over on AW. Sometimes you can salvage the system. I know the overflow canister is kind of fussy on the 4.2. Thats why people throw that EVAP code all the time. I was told my canister needed to be replaced too, but it didn't. I ended up cleaning my purge valve(N80) with brake clean, and it was all good.

    Search EVAP on Audiworld in the C5 section. Your overflow could just be soaked or something stupid.
    lol sorry to bring old threads up but the same thing happened to me today but i was empty the gauge is reading correctly i think. so if there is a way where is the canister located and what do i need to do to clean it?
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  7. #7
    Veteran Member Four Rings Stampy's Avatar
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    Re: Gas Overflow

    I was talking bout the N80 Valve for me which is on top of the airbox. The canister to my knowledge is inside the wheel well under the gas nozzle. I could be completely wrong, but I think thats where I remember reading where it was.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Two Rings East2.7Six's Avatar
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    Re: Gas Overflow

    i would check tonight but its to dark out.. ill check that out first thing in the morning
    "Sometimes you gotta roll a hard six."

  9. #9
    Veteran Member Three Rings Scrwedtxboy31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by East2.7Six View Post
    i would check tonight but its to dark out.. ill check that out first thing in the morning
    did it fix your problem? I have been noticing for about 4 months now my fuel gauge wouldnt fill past 3/4 tank and sometimes would go completely out. I was pumping gas..zoned out, looked over and it was pouring out everywhere... wondering if A) their related incidents and B) is it the purge valve/N80, is it the fuel level sending unit, or what? I've been researching this for a while now and havent determined where to start yet


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