Okay - so the sound i have coming from the front passenger-side of the car isn't what i thought it was originally, and it has been driving me nuts!!
I hit a bitch of a pothole driving up to Pittsburgh back in May and i had the Audi dealer inspect things to see if anything was damaged - they said everything was fine (except for my bent rim) and that the control arms were still good.
Could someone PLEASE tell me what this sound is? I've ruled out brake pads rattling as it still occurs under heavy braking. You may need to turn your speakers up (promise, this isn't a "screamer"), but the sound is really noticable starting at the :20 second mark.
The sound/rattling is more audible at lower speeds, but i can still detect it, if ever so slightly, at higher speeds as well. It obviously is louder when i go over bumps in the road, but even while driving on a road that is relatively smooth, i can still hear it. It almost sounds like something is flapping against something as opposed to something metallic. I can't tell if it's suspension related, or if i just have something loose underneath the car. My other thought is the skid plate, but i'm not 100% sure.