First off
I will need my first oil change soon. This is my 1st Audi as well. I went to a local place today that works on the car with a bay under the floor. You drive up and there are guys under the car. They had a problem getting the skid pad under the car off, so I told them to forget it.
I called my local Audi dealership to schedule an appointment for Oil Change. They told me $189.00
I am not cheap with money but, correct me if I am wrong. Oil change,
1. Drain oil pan,
2. Change filter,
3. Add OIL?
Am I missing anything?
$189 for that. Are they 2 oil filters on our cars? Is the oil filter in that fk'd up of a place where this could take 2 hours? Do I get happy ending?
Am I crazy to think that $200 is an insane amount for this minimal task?
Does anyone know a reputable Indy shop in Central Jersey?
I would possibly look into doing it myself but, I recent had a 2 level spinal fusion and no longer have the abilities I use to have.
All feedback is appreciated