so as a mechanic friend of mine were working on installing my stasis ss setup on my b7. Now to my knowledge ive never heard of or seen something like this happen before.....
so as we were removing the front suspension setup and removing the upper ball joints front the carrier(knuckle) they were seized pretty good. tried everything from heat, and all kinds of lub and un seize... what ever. Needless to say after a major tussel we got them out, but cracked both!!! no lying to ya..... cracked both. Spreading/prying the little ears/tabs to get them apart to release the upperball joints they both cracked... fukn blows
so now i cant finish because i need to replace both arms, carriers, knuckles.... what ever.
anyone have suggestions, past experience, or knowledge of where i can source new ones.... shit even used ones at this point. Trying to save and diy not always so great.... even with the right tools and setup.