Hey guys,
I bought a stock '02 A6 2.7T Tip with @65k on the clock (love it, BTW) 2 months ago and all was well for the first month. Shortly thereafter I noticed a small drop in power (as measured by my seat-o-the-pants-o-meter) and just a lack of the normal, effortless torque "kick" I was getting earlier. Also the car had sort of a lopey, big cam style roughness to the idle. The most telling issue was the surging on part throttle and WOT. Since my experience with this car is limited I just kinda thought it might be my imagination so I left it alone. A few days ago I had the windows tinted (my first "mod") and the installer left the ignition on for 2-3 hours so that he could roll the windows up and down during the tint job. When I got in it and left I noticed it was throwing a CEL so I was a bit concerned. All that went away, however, since the thing ran like a scalded ape!! The power was back up , idle was better, and no surging on acceleration. I drove it like that all day enjoying the hell out of it partly satisified that the prob was solved (except for the CEL of course) and went to bed happy. Got in it the next morning, no CEL, and back to surging, rough idle, etc. WTF, anyone heard of/had this happen and if so what was your solution? And of course any other suggestions are welcome.
FYI, I checked all the vac lines (the ones I could easily see/access, anyway) for obvious signs of problems and I don't hear any hissing noises underhood or honking turbos when driving. I guess leaving the ignition on so long performed a TBA but I have since done it 2 more times with no results.
Thanks in advance!