Thread resurrection!
I also recently put in an AWE gauge. My 2000 S4 (Tip) spikes at about 6.5psi and then settles to 5psi flat. Vacuum at warm idle is 20-22Hg. When cruising around off the gas, vacuum is 25-26Hg. The car runs strong, boost comes fast, and there are absolutely no odd sounds that would indicate bad DVs or anything. I just can't imagine the car being in "limp" mode, and still running this well. I don't have a VAG-COM, so I can't scan. I guess I should get one. (yeah yeah, I know. How dare I even post without owning a VAG-COM)
Note: I've never driven an S that's in "limp." For all I know, I could be in limp right now!
Is my EGT suspect like above? I mean, I've heard 7-9 is perfectly normal, so I'm not miles off. I suppose I need to do a pressure test, but my vacuum readings are absolutely picture perfect, so I figured I was good to go...?