Originally Posted by
Yes, but the parts are all the same...except for the spring perch bearing...which is esentially a 50 cent plastic piece...doesn't really do anything as I have konis and have never found a need for it. BTW...I bought my Konis from SPP and had a warranty issue...they sent me a new one right away, no questions asked...so why would you pay extra for stassis again???
Everyone who has bought stassis will obviously say they are the best as a tein buyer will say theirs is best and vogtland etc...all I'm saying is stassis are konis and if you want to pay for their 'bells and whistles' go ahead but a wise consumer will know they're the same and that's that.
If you are happy with a reseller of Koni then by all means buy from them. I decided to pay a small price more to deal with STaSIS because of the many companies I have dealt with they were the best.

Originally Posted by
Everyone who has bought stassis will obviously say they are the best as a tein buyer will say theirs is best and vogtland etc...
It's sad but true that many think like that. However, I will be the first to admit when I am unhappy with a product.
As for the OP wanting to be able to adjust height easily, the Koni/STaSIS
coils are not the easiest to adjust in the rear. I found myself dropping the subframe to change the spring height.