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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Four Rings Glassnpowder98's Avatar
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    Someone with experience removing headlights please help!!

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    I have my front bumper off right now and I'm trying to remove the lights. I'm following this guide...

    The only problem is the picture under the 4 is not showing up and I don't know how to get to the last screw out on the left side that is holding the headlight in. It's the screw shown in the next picture down. Are you supposed to get at it from the top side? Because I can see it from the bottom. There is a hole that seems to be directly above it just behind where the left side of the light is. Am I supposed to loosen that torx bolt from that little hole on the top side? If so, these damn craftsman torx bits are too big and don't fit in the fucking hole!!! (thats what she said). Thanks in advance for the help. Sorry if the post is frantic, but I'm losing light and I want these headlights out!!
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  2. #2
    Active Member Four Rings 3.2some's Avatar
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    Re: Someone with experience removing headlights please help!!

    Yup its that little hole. You need a thin long ass extension for it. I had to go out and buy one cuz the one I had was too thick and wouldnt fit. But that is the last one you need to unscrew to remove the headlight and you cant get it from the bottom(impossible, i tried it). Good luck!!!
    V/R -Phil

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  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings slimmj0k3r's Avatar
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    Re: Someone with experience removing headlights please help!!

    what i did (ill try to explain it best as i can) if you have your fender liner off, stick your hand in there and get a feel for where the screw is and have someone push the extension down so ur hand can just guide the extension right into place, works well with the passenger side, drivers side bit of a headache hope that helps

    ps i was able to get a feel for it and push down the extension myself, maybe i have long arms. it sounds hard lol but its not

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings Glassnpowder98's Avatar
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    Re: Someone with experience removing headlights please help!!

    Thanks for the responses. I was 90% sure that was where I needed to get at so I went and bought a torx screwdriver. Got home and it's still not long enough!!!! So frustrating... Oh well, they had a longer set that was 20 bucks more so I'll just go back in the morning and pick that up. We will see what happens tomorrow... At least I got the front rings off and the first coat of red paint is drying as I type.
    05.5 A4 2.0T Brilliant Red 6MT: Put some money and time into it...

    The only standing start, straight line racing I enjoy is on the way to the first corner.


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