I actually just did my car today. The key to doing Seafoam on any of these motor is to find a vacuum line that is direct into the intake maniold and that will allow the seafom to enter closer to the center of the intake manifold to allow even distribution of the solvent.
I plumbed a "T" fitting into a large vacuum line under the 2.7T's "Y" pipe and used a disposable plastic bowl to pour the fluid into. I started the motor and let it idle while I carefully let the vacuum line suck up sips of the fluid. As the car starts to idle rougher, get more fluid in and then shut it off. Let the car sit for about 10mins and then start it back up (plug off that vac line) and let it idle a tad. It will begin to bellow smoke at this point. Revv is up to about 2000 and watch the cloud engulf your home.
I did two rounds of this just to be as thourough as possible. Whatever plugs you have in there will be pitch black afterwards. Install new plugs when youre done with the entire process.
If you motor is horribly carbon fouled inside, you can use the soak method as well. This is when you use a turkey baster to pour the fluid into the cylinders and then leave it overnight to soak and dissolve the carbon deposits. The catch to this method is that most of the fluid will leech past the rings and drain down into the oil pan. This then contaminates the oil and you MUST drain the oil and replace it. If you wish to do the soak method, do it the night before you next oil change and then you can clean the combustion chamber while ditching your old oil too.