So, I bought one of Winston's scratch and dent Podi's on Sunday, and it already arrived cross-country today! I admit that I initially didn't like the idea of the Podi because I was worried about visibility of the instrument cluster. I was wrong. Even with the steering column where I like it, I only lose 0-10 mph visibility.
Also, for being "scratch and dent" I sure can't find a scratch or a dent.
I haven't fully installed it yet - it's just sitting on the column without my gauge or the two screws. Why? Because the Gamecocks are playing Vandy, and the Redskins are playing the Giants tonight.
Speaking of those two screws - holy crap I was pissed. Forget trying to find a long-ass T8 driver at Pep Boys or Autozone. I ended up going to Sears and bought a set of Torx drivers. Here's the problem: they were too damn short to reach the screws in the steering column!!! I could tell I needed about a half inch more shaft. How did I fix it? I dremeled off half an inch of plastic from the handle (it was a regular plastic screwdriver handle)! Moral of the story - you need a loooong T8 to reach those bastards.
I'll wire it up tomorrow. I coiled up extra boost tubing in the ECU box when I did the A-pillar gauge, and I'm hoping I can slowly pull out enough slack to reach from my existing pod to the Podi.
Which brings me to - yes, I currently have Martini's custom A-pillar pod. I didn't screw it into the A-pillar like he did, so I could never get the fit just right. I tried all kinds of tapes and adhesives, but it just wouldn't stay on the A-pillar. If anyone is interested in buying it, let me know. I would recommend screwing it in like he did, but wrestling with the A-pillar cover was honestly a nightmare. Here's what I'm talking about if you don't know. Martini sold it when he got a Podi.
So, that's my unnecessarily long post about my half-installed Podi.