Ok, I found the S4 that I want and the seller and I have an agreed on price. Mileage is low, price is right, and interior/exterior quality is 9.5/10. 10 out of 10 would be directly off the delivery truck.
Anyway, I find out the first 1500 miles out of ~10k miles were NOT put on by the owner. The dealership put these miles on... So the current owner has only put on about 8500. However, we all know the first 1200-1500 miles are crucial for engine break-in, and most of us choose to change the oil. (i know i did on my A4)
Factory warranty remains for ~2 more yrs.
I really cringe to know that i am spending >35k on a used vehicle, and the first break-in miles were probably abused by the dealer and/or test drivers. Of course i cant say for sure, but come on...who test drives a S4 for 1500+ miles and granny shifts it? Am i being paranoid, or should I just DO IT!!
What is your opinion? I greatly appreciate your time, and responses. Thank you.