So, I recently acquired a B6 S4 which now has about 70k miles. I knew the clutch was weak when I bought it but it worked... until last night. I let a friend take my car out for a spin last night and when he came back, all I smelled was burnt clutch. He tells me he babied it; which I know means I only tached it up to 4500 rpms and dropped the clutch. I thought maybe it was just glazed. Well I learned a lesson last night, I will never let anyone drive my car from here on out.
I can drive the car still but it's slipping pretty bad, so my question is do I go OEM for the replacement? Are there any aftermarket kits with lighter flywheels? My thought process is in "2 weeks" when the Supercharger is released I may need a high performance clutch to accommodate. All kidding aside, if that SC becomes a reality I may want to be a step ahead.
Suggestions? Any recommendations? How much is the clutch and labor?