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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Three Rings a4937's Avatar
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    Halogen to HID..

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    I bought a set of HID's "designed specifically for halogen OEMs" off of Ebay but I'm stuck. There is a relay with some wires that connect to the battery as well as some wires that connect to the lights. Only problem is that there aren't any unconnected wires or clips anywhere. I'm thinking that I will have to somehow connect the relay to the OEM wires but how am I supposed to connect it to the headlights?

    thanks.. any advice is much appreciated.

    I know there are a lot of headlight questions but I didn't see any for this kind.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings Seerlah's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    Just follow instructions in this link and you will be fine.

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Three Rings a4937's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    Just wanted to add that these are real Xenon D2S bulbs.. not H7.
    Last edited by a4937; 08-29-2008 at 09:40 PM.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings Silverstreak98's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    You need some H7 to D2S adaptors to put on the bulbs to make them seat correctly in the housing.

    They are very cheap and you can find them on ebay or at HIDCONCEPT

    1998.5 A4 2.8QT

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Three Rings a4937's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    All the bulbs and everything are perfect, wires are all connected with adapters and such.. and they were professionally pre-installed.. the plugs are right and will plug right in. My only question is with the relay. I'm starting to wonder if I even need it. Does anybody know if I hook up the lights w/o the relays just to see if they work could that damage anything?

    EDIT: Hmm I think I might actually have these figured out. I'll have to wait til the morning to check, but I'll be sure to keep you all updated.
    Last edited by a4937; 08-29-2008 at 09:57 PM.

  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings Silverstreak98's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    Well I tried hooking mine up without a relay and I kept blowing fuses....the benefit of the relay is that you are getting your power straight from the battery instead of getting the power from the stock wiring.

    If you have it I would recommend using it...should be fairly simple.

    Connect to the battery......on one side connect it to the stock lowbeam H7 connector....on both sides connect them to ballasts.

    My install was a while ago so hopefully that is helpful, if you are having problems check out

    Its a great wealth of information about this subject.

    1998.5 A4 2.8QT

  7. #7
    Veteran Member Three Rings xraycer2012's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    I've also heard before that you should switch you fuse from 15A to 25A. That might help
    ‘23 RS6
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  8. #8
    Veteran Member Four Rings Silverstreak98's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    I'd rather use the relay than go to a higher fuse.

    After all that fuse was 15A in the first place for a reason...

    1998.5 A4 2.8QT

  9. #9
    Veteran Member Three Rings a4937's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    Damn.. ran into a little snag.. the OEM signal connectors are different than the ones on these headlights. Does anybody make an adapter or is there a DIY for re-doing the wiring anywhere?

    EDIT: Well, my OEM connectors for the signals fit right into the new housings, so I can just use my OEM bulbs and such for the signals . HOWEVER the actual connectors for the headlights are not the same.. they look identical except for the prongs.. 3 large and 1 small in both but the small one is located at different places.. this is getting frustrating. Now I need to search for the wiring DIY I found a couple weeks ago.
    Last edited by a4937; 08-30-2008 at 10:14 AM.

  10. #10
    Veteran Member Four Rings Silverstreak98's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    Are you going from a 2-piece headlight to a 1 piece? If we knew what headlights you are putting in we could probably be more helpful.

    1998.5 A4 2.8QT

  11. #11
    Veteran Member Three Rings a4937's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    Sorry.. no these are 2 piece also. They have preinstalled HID in them with all the wiring and harnesses already present and done. I imagine if my car was euro spec then they'd plug right into the connectors and I would've been done hours ago. The only thing I'm having trouble with is that the connector that goes from the headlights to the car is just a little bit different.

    My car plug.

    The plug from the harness.

    They look like they'll fit but in the first picture the small hole on the bottom is the one with the wire in it and I need it to be the one on the top. Is that something that I can move relatively easy?

    EDIT: WELL DAMN. I tried to wiggle it out and the wire contact broke. I then figured out that there are clips on both sides of the harness so that you can just take them out and move them around.. damn. So I got the left done but of course I broke the contact on the right side for the white wire with green stripe.

    Anybody know how to repair or replace something like that?
    Last edited by a4937; 08-30-2008 at 12:01 PM.

  12. #12
    Veteran Member Four Rings Seerlah's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    I don't know about repair, but if you mean the connector on the harness (from the car), you could always get a replacement for cheap and just splice the new connector on. A&P usually has them for cheap. Try calling them and see what they say. Great customer service. Then splice the new connector on and seal it with heated shrinking tube. More than likely will not cost you more than like $15 alltogether.

    I helped a person source connectors for my OEM headlights I sold him as he was doing the prefacelift to facelift conversion. A&P sold him all 4 connectors (pasenger and driver's side connectors for low/high beam and turn signals) for like $25 shipped. Other places were ~$100. And all you need is one connector, so should be rather cheap.

    But you figure what you are going to do with the relay? A person said that the amperage is 15 for a reason. The reason is that Audi rated that circuit for a certain amount of total wattage. Upping the fuse simply increases the total Volt Amperage (Watts) to handle more wattage used by devices on that circuit. But if you do decide to up the fuse, the cable for that circuit must be rated for the amperage, or you will short out that circuit.

  13. #13
    Veteran Member Three Rings a4937's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    Thanks everybody.. got them in and working and I couldn't be happier. I know a lot of people say angel eyes belong on BMW's but I love the look. I'll get some pictures up later when I can get some night shots.

  14. #14
    Veteran Member Four Rings Seerlah's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    I wanted the Angel Eyes at first till I came to learn how to keep the car as OEM as possible (minus wheels). But it is your car, and as long as you like it that is what is important .

    And if you ever feel like changing to the OEM while keeping the blacked out housing, check these out. Depo's are also good to go with.

  15. #15
    Veteran Member Three Rings a4937's Avatar
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    Re: Halogen to HID..

    Quote Originally Posted by Seerlah View Post
    I wanted the Angel Eyes at first till I came to learn how to keep the car as OEM as possible (minus wheels). But it is your car, and as long as you like it that is what is important .

    And if you ever feel like changing to the OEM while keeping the blacked out housing, check these out. Depo's are also good to go with.
    Other than the black housings those are pretty much exactly what I had before. Also just bought a grille from that seller and it came to me bent so I'm waiting to see what they're willing to do about it.


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