Ok, I went to look for a boost leak today and pressurized the system like the DIY said to and followed the instructions. Found the boost leak, it was a 90 degree hose bend in the upper right hand corner of the motor and intake manifold, a 1 inch line. For temporary purposes I went and got some electrical tape just to see if it would boost and higher than the 10lbs i've been getting.
Well it boosted up to 12-13 lbs which means the car is chipped and I have that program loaded with APR but it obviously still has a leak. So as i'm driving, in between gears and sounds like i have a blow off valve where the diverter is. So i'm assuming the DV is bad? Now that it started making this new noise, on the way home my CEL light comes on and it only boosts up to 5lbs...wtf?
I went to Autozone to use their OBD II scanner and found this:
P0171 System too lean
DTC cause freeze frame
2520 rpm
load value 10.1%
coolent temp 213 F
short term fuel trim 1 - 10.9%
long term fuel trim 1 - 22.6%
short term fuel trim 3 - 100.6%
long term fuel trim 3 - 100.6%
speed 52 mph
fuel sys 1 clsd
fuel sys 2 n/a
So would a bad DV cause this code or a bad MAF sensor? or anything else...