I bought the car from the dealership with these 20 inch wheels. My issue is that I think the car looks much too tall with them. I have included pictures so you can see what I mean. I think they look quite good on the car, but as I said they also make it look clumsy. I also threw in some pics for the hell of it so you can see what I have done so far. (Im going to fix the Cupra Lip)
I am interested in lightweight 18's to get better overall performance, whether it be braking, steering...whatever, but with some research I found very contradicting opinions. Some said they didn't notice any difference at all with lighter wheels and some said they did. Can anyone here attest to that?
Also, I would like your opinions on the look, does it look "tall" or do you like it? And has anyone lowered a b7 with 20's (20x8.5) with just springs? or is that fender suicide? Your opinions will greatly affect the path I am going to take whether its too keep the wheels and try to lower it, or buy new wheels and lower it.
I am a newer member and have used the notorious "search" but if this is a tired topic, I am sorry.
I am also painting my rear valence to a satin black but going about it differently than others have done. I can post a DIY thread if there is still any interest.