OK, recent posts about spoilers inspired me to get cracking and install a spoiler I had lying around. It cost me $100 and then another $200 for prep/paint, plus $25 from the BMW dealership for the glue. Didn't take long to do, you just have to set aside the time to do it - I was addicted to the Olympics, so Sunday was the only time I could find.
My car
The painted spoiler
Automotive glue from BMW
After some sanding (I forgot to protect the top part of the spoiler, so I got some scratches now from the BBQ!)
After applying glue with the trowel, which you have to work fast. It seems like the glue wanted to dry up pretty quickly, so you spread the stuff really fast like peanut butter. Reminds me of tiling the kitchen backsplash with the tile mastic glue
The fitment seems good and the piece is rock solid in place after drying 5 hours. I'm pretty happy with it.
Reading previous posts, I guess I could have used the proper 3M tape to save time and mess from the sticky glue, but what the hell, I am probably keeping the car for awhile unless i find an S4 avant, I don't see myself ever taking the thing off. I never did figure out how to use the screw holes in the spoiler...
I think I'll debadge next. Anyway, whoever is thinking of buying this spoiler, take a look and decide yourself if you like it. There's not much else out there in this price range