So i've battled boost leaks for while and i was being lazy with logging but wanted my car to perform. Me and another member (AAAA)were checking my car last night for boost leaks, But heard alot of air coming through my MBC. I remembered having a code for an EGT: p1454 EGT sensor short to ground. The also remembered taping up some wires and thought those are the EGT wires, so we untaped them and the wires were frayed bad. We made an atempt to solder them. And took it for a drive and the car sputtered and struggled to make 13-15psi mind you i'm stage 2+. On the way to work today i decided to try and log for boost and misfires but i want to post them, how do i go about this?
also i erased the codes and when i go WOT now it doesn't sputter but boost is only at 15psi. What else/what blocks should i log to find out what's going on so i can post and maybe someone can read them for me.