I am coming from a Dodge SRT-4 with mods. Crap on it all you want for it being domestic and being a Neon, the car was a sizzler in terms of power and it is one of the best handling FWD cars made, stock Quaife LSD, Viper seats and overall it was a STRONG car. I could beat it, beat it anddd beat it and it held up like no other even with climbing mileage. I have sold the car now and I initially was going to shoot for an EVO or STi however I found myself wanting something more out of a car than JUST sizzle and it seems like it is going to be pretty hard to do, and my list of consideration is mighty big...
BUDGET: $25,000 Tax, title, registered...
TIMELINE: Within the next 12-18 months (yes I'm starting early)
GOAL, What I NEED and do NOT need out of the car:
-At least 16mpg without having to drive like a B****
-Can handle bad weather (snow/rain) and will allow me to drive it without having to cross my fingers due to a bad twitch of the wheel
-2 seats won't cut it
-Reliability!!! I can't stress this enough. It can't be FINICKY, UNPREDICTABLE, prone to BIG DOLLAR boo-boos, PITA to own, Can't stand up to the driving it was BUILT for in the first place. This leaves German cars to be VERY questionable on this list unfortunately
-German fit and finish or close to: I always liked how it felt driving say a Vdub with those bluey/purpley and red guages... Really nice and relaxing
-Fast stock (if it happens to suck at mod response) or can reach my goal with bolt ons, I don't want to have to dig deep to get where I want to be. Between 12-14 second 1/4 stock or can be MADE into one easily...
-Handles well, slush boxes are OUT
-When made into, or in stock form 12-14 Second car, it is STILL strong and true/reliable... for example, B5 S4 = no effing WAY!
B5 S4: I love the look of this car, the potential, the concept of having a TT 2.7L 6 with how it sounds, AWD... everything. Even the price, it's such a shame that they are hopelessly unreliable :( It's a fail.
MKV R32: I think this car could be a winner, as long as it doesn't have crazy resale value like the MKIV in which case I will rule it out because it simply does not perform well enough to justify the price tag. DSG reliability/longevity is a concern as is power and getting used to it too quickly and having to dig DEEP into the pockets for small gains.
EVO/STi: Performance no brainers, reliable enough even though things get expensive they still hold there own and what breaks is typically predictable and under what abuse. POWER is extremely cheap, an EVO can be made into a 4 door Mr. Nasty pretty cheap however that nice appeal is a BIG concern as is the mod bug. Same with the STi, I can see myself wanting that "oh this is nice" kind of feel when I'm tired and don't feel like tear assing around or being teh fastarrr.
s2000: I absolutely LOVE the car, however it fails in two extremely important catagories, SEATS and All season ability... if that were different this would be mine.
E46 M3: I love these damn things, the best of all worlds IMO however seasonability is questionable, as is the AGE of the car I will have to buy in my budget. I can find a nice one I am sure but it will take a lot of scraping and you can easily buy yourself into a headache if youre not careful... yikes.
B6 S4: This car scores big in everything BUT the reliability/maintenance. The cam tensioner thing, on top of random tid bits scare me to death. I see one and I see that smoking hot girl that deep down you know has got something and you know in the end will break your heart and your wallet! HaHa. I see myself looking at it in my driveway and wondering what is going to go wrong, how soon and how much it's going to cost instead of looking at it thinking "Ah I love you S4".
G35/350z: Doesn't respond to mods worth crap, cheapy inside and yeah no...
SRT-4: I love them, but no more FWD for me...
SRT-8 Series: I really fancy the Charger but with any of these winters are a NO GO so that makes this car a No-Go.
Acura: They all fail, FWD and nothing sizzle or fun about them
Volvo S60R: Hey great car but I have no reason to not want one other than, I justtt don't. They don't excite me...
Anything FWD: Never
Anything OLD: Unless you find me a nice nice NICE Supra TT for my price bracket (Which you won't). Forget the old stuff.
I really need help with this guys. What do you think?