Ok, I'm not quite sure if this is the cause of the issue or not, but here it goes.
I'm out driving tonight, and the wife is sitting in the passenger seat. She pulls up her feet (wearing sandals) and says they just got wet. Then feels the floor and it's somewhat damp. Then she notices that there was a couple drips coming from up near the firewall. I figure something's up with the A/C. We'd been driving for about an hour - stop and go, then a long span at about 75-80. I turned off the A/C and we continued on, and it seemed to stop the problem.
Get home and check it out a bit and there's definitely something leaking. Water dripping out from under the dash/firewall area. Can't tell exactly where it's coming from, as I didn't take any of the panels off or pull anything up/out.
A/C condenser? Something else? Thoughts? Not excited about this considering I've got...um...NO WARRANTY!