I need an injury attorney. My kids wanted to check out this 99 cent store next to this Vietnamese resturant we went to. I took them in, we had a ball looking at all the cheap crap! We see the liquid soap on the ground and I flag someone about it. 30 minutes or so later my son is walking right behind me and SPLAT!!! All I hear was him hitting the ground and the lady infront of me say OMG!!!
He fell right into it and had this green soap all over him. He injured his head and knee. I made the manager make up an accident report and sign it. They didnt even have any such documentation printed.
I have been a parent for 12 years and I know what to watch for so I didnt think it was a huge deal to bring my son in to Kaiser. He was alert and we sent him to bed and checked up on him in the middle of the night. When he woke up he was sore and his head was hurting so his mom took him into Kaiser. Doc says hes ok and just bruised up. He also missed school today because of this.
Im not into sueing the pants off anyone but I was so freaking pissed at the store last night and just let it go. I couldnt control my choice of words to the lazy employees. I even heard them all saying "yeah we told such and such to clean it up 30 mins. ago" Then all of a sudden they were covering their a$$ by saying they didnt know it was there and that some lady had did it. I felt so bad for my 7 year old son. His spirit was obviously down while we were in the store waiting to do paperwork and all that crap.
What should I do?