I recently decided to step up from Auto-x with my B5 A4 and go to Mid-Ohio race trak for a PDX session, where you get over an hour of track time with trained instructors to help you on your way. This is not a race at all, but you can pass in certain areas and you are definitely at speed!
My car behaved extremely well, no funny smells or high temps or weird sounds. The car performed flawlessly, and I was losing mini cooper-s's in the corners all over! I'm chalking that one down to good tires and light wheels and great suspension. I passed a Ferrari at 115mph, that was an ego boost! Also passed a Diablo, Maserati, and a couple more Ferraris and a Gallardo. I don't know if they just weren't trying, or if they couldn't drive, but they were novices like me, and they would waive me by in the straights cause they were holding up traffic. I'm not trying to brag by any stretch, I'm just so impressed at how well my car did, and how well I did as well! My instructor told me to race novice next time, apparently I won't be coasting through the corners in that class.
Okay, pictures.
Lola Classic race car, don't know a whole lot about it...
My baby, gotta protect those lights...
fresh from the delivery truck, so I'm told...
and... the big oops for the day, not sure if i'm allowed to share, but here we go anyway.
So, in conclusion, I had so much fun, I can't possibly describe it here on the forums. So, go find something similar in your area, and have some fun.
P.S. I did a lot of temp. readings on the car throughout the day, epically on the effectiveness of the heat shield and cone set-up. Watch for an interesting testimonial!