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I still don't think how they can fired you for being sick without dr. note....at my work...some people get flu and stay home for the whole week...some see dr. some just stay home and take over the counter medicines like myself...maybe they just looking for excuse to let you go...I am not no lawyer or anything but I still don't think they can fired you just for calling in sick...unless ofcourse you called in sick like 1000 times and all that times no dr. notes.......I know someone that call in sick at his work and next day he was laid off....not fired.....
i dont know.... a lot of my jobs required doctor's notes to come back to work after missing 72 hours. and ive worked a few jobs....
cashier manager at Target
barista at Starbucks
ADH at Home Depot
Inventory Manager at Peter Pan BMW
Owner's Assistant at Speedee Oil Change
and the list goes on.......