Hello everyone.
I jsut refromated my computer and now my vuze is downlaoding really slow. I have Bell as my internet provider and have the fastest resedental service. Before i refroamted my computer everything was great. I would get very fast speeds all the time. Now i installed Vuze and its really slow. I have noticed it is way slower then usual. It feels as if im not able to get over 50kb/s and i have 4 torrents going. Weeds from mininova and battlefirled from a private tracker. Battlefield is green with 13 seeds 0 leaches downloading at a wopping 8-10 kb/s. Weeds had the highest seed numbers on the sight 300 each and is going at 10 + 4 kb/s. I know that this isent right beucae from the xbox tracker i could download a game over night before and now its redicliously slow.
Nat test is good
I have port forwarded
I have encripton on (when it iwas off i could only get to 30kb
What can i do to fix this. Why is it going so slow?
Thanks for all the help!