After having my car logged and checked with vagcom i realized there are some boost issues. i have the GIAC 93 chip.
I logged a 3rd gear pull all the way to redline - (i will try to get graphs and readings posted) - the result was: it hit peak boost ~20psi , then substantially tapered off, a lot more than it should. the MAF readings are also lower than they should be.
17964/P1556 - Charge Pressure Control: Negative Deviation is also being thrown, but with no CEL. Symptoms: loss of power, limp mode
When i do a pull past 5k it will put it into limp mode (wont go over 7psi until i restart the car).
i checked the code and the causes said boost leak, so i pressure tested up to 20psi and didnt find any leaks. but when pressure testing i heard a bubbling sound inside the block itself. i blocked the PCV valve before testing too, so there shouldnt be any blowby. whats this sound?
another cause is said to be the n75 but i replaced mine with the ECS n75 a few months ago, so that shouldnt be the problem either.
thanks to anyone that helps ahead of time, and im going to be getting the exact MAF readings and boost logs as soon as i can.