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Jesus, there's NOTHING wrong with UPS.
Try shipping something via FedEx Ground and you'll get the same thing.
FedEx Express (air) and UPS Express both include the cost of customs brokerage in the fee. The shipper fills out some extra forms, provides a commercial invoice, and the package is cleared to you at no extra charge. In fact, on many occasions, FedEx delivers the package to you without delay, and invoices you later for the PST/GST.
FedEx Ground is just as bad as UPS Ground. In fact, I think they're worse. The last time I had some parts shipped to me from the US via FedEx Ground, I had to open an account through FedEx Trade Networks just to get them to clear my package. It was held at the Mississauga facility for over a week while they did this.
There's no problem with UPS. They've always disclosed customs brokerage fees (separate from PST/GST and duties) on their website.
Note that USPS also charges a brokerage fee, but it's usually less than $5, so most people don't notice it on top of the PST/GST and/or duty paid.
Well, I agree that they do state their prices online... but still, who would expect brokerage fees to be so bloody high? on a 20 dollar item, it's like 6.95 or something... plus they add a 5 dollar COD fee (that's a fee to pay THEIR fees at the door).
So, your 20 dollar item would be just under 23 if shipped USPS... but with UPS, you'd end up paying 12 bucks on top of taxes... so like 35 bucks, for an item declared at 20 bucks. That is a pretty huge percentage to add to something.
I once bought sideview mirrors from a guy on audizine... I forgot to tell him to ship USPS, and he shipped UPS. I paid 40 for the pair... he didn't put a value, so UPS defaulted to 100 dollars (as it came with 100 in free insurance). The exchange rate back then was about 1.25, so my package was valued at 125ish CDN. UPS wanted 49 dollars at the door... It's pathetic.