So I was driving along today down the 417 which is a 3 lane tollroad here in Orlando. It was a bit wet out so I didn't turn off ESP. A toll plaza was approaching and I needed to get over when this 2005-2007 VW Taureg starts playing with me from the lane next to me. I have my blinker on and he will not let me in so I drop into 4th and shot ahead and cut in front of him. I guess this made him angry cause we approached the toll plaze together side by side. We came out of the toll plaza together from a dead stop and he is noticably trying to get ahead of me. All I can say is those SUV's are pretty fast, I got on it and stayed only a car length ahead of him until I hit 80 and needed to merge back onto the actual highway. I expected to waste him being StgIII but I just looked up their specs and they are 360 to the crank so now I know why I couldn't shake him. Any other BT guys have an unexpected encounter with a similar outcome. Save the racing is bad line, we never went past 85 and we were on the highway.