Hi, well I was driving my b6 A4 1.8TQM today and I stop at the pharmacy. I walked out of the pharmacy, started the car and went in reverse when I started to hear a clunking noise like 2 blades or swords where hitting each other. Obviously I stopped the car and turn it off for a couple of minutes. I tried to start it again and accelerated while in neutral and it seem right. I put it in first and started going forward and it did it again, just this time was a little louder and it felt like I was losing power. I let it rest for another 5 minutes and opened the hood to check for any unplugged/broken hoses or any leaks, but there were none. So I told my bud to start the car and rev it while in neutral. It appeared to be working, but suddenly the noise came back and I noticed it came from the passenger side and then a little smoke came off kind of from the exhaust manifold side. My bud turned the car off. It was not a big cloud of smoke just a little puff. I decided to let it rest for another 10 minutes and try one more time before towing it. I started to think the timing belt went bad, but I opened the cover and the belt seem in one piece. After 10 minutes I turn on the car and it was working normally. I hit 1st then 2nd and 3th around the parking lot for a couple of minutes before hitting the road. It appeared the problem was gone, but I noticed a little constant whistle noise while accelerating. It's kind of like a high pitch wind coming from the engine bay. Also, the turbo does not appear to be working anymore b/c when I used to turn off the engine after driving for more than 5 minutes I was able to hear the turbo blades moving due to inertia. Has this happen to anyone before? Could it be that the turbo went out? Or perhaps the DV? I run the OBD II and it threw out 2 codes P0444 (EVAP Emission Control System Purge Valve C Open) and P0030 (HO2S Bank 1 Sen 1 Heater Circuit) which I have no clue what they mean or how to fix them. From what I've researched the P0030 is a bad front O2 sensor while the P0444 is the little valve near the Air Box. Can anyone provide some advice on how to solve these issues and could any of these 2 be what caused the smoke to come off the engine bay? Thanks everyone, any info is well appreciated.