First off, the hood. NTB (National Tire and Battery) wrecked the front end of my car last month and they got me new replacement parts. I got a new windshield, wipers, grill, hood latch and Eurogear hood.
Here is a few pics of the hood as it currently sits...
As you can tell, the hood sits higher on the drivers side. I cannot figure why though, maybe the hood is flawed. It has nothing to do with the latch because it sat like this even with the latch off. Also, nothing is pushing the hood up so I don't have a clue. Maybe I need to take it off and re-bolt it. Maybe I need to put a few bricks on it and let it sit in the sun, IDK HELP!
Ok, my second problem. My car is lowered and I had to pull in a driveway with a slope and it scraped up my exhaust system but no real damage. It seems as if it stretched the flex pipe about an inch and cause the whole system to move back. There is no leaks or anything i just get a weird creeking noise every time I make a corner because the first resonator hits the walls of the undercarriage. Does anyone know how to push the system back in? Could a muffler shop fix this??
Here is a side angle of the muffler, it sat about an inch forward than it does now.
This is a pic of the rear hanger, notice it is stretched back
Finally here is a pic of the flex pipe. notice its extended. Don't mind the torn wire mesh, it was cut to fit the 2.5" pipe on the end.
Any help would be very appreciated, it sucks I have the problems on vacation!!