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My main questions were about the Haldex. You guys keep saying its FWD, but the TTQ is still a Quattro car correct?
Well this is the thing about the TT that i under stand. The TT's use haldex which is a diffrent from of AWD and in my eyes is not true quattro. See the quattro you would find in your A6 uses a torsen gear system which uses a Electronic Differential Lock which applys breaking to the wheel that is loosing traction then sends power to the other wheels to make up for the slippage. It uses a very simple torsen gear + the assistance of abs road wheel sensors and the EDL. So for instance in my car (B5) i never get wheelspin beucase the car works to stop the slipping wheel before it slips and send power to the other wheels to make up for it 50/50 slpit front back.
Now the Haldex system is a more complicated system that uses a electronic AWD system (haldex) to transfer power from the front to back when slippage occours. Now the big diffreence is that the TT's are FWD until the front wheels actually start slipping, once they slip (and you hear them slip up front) the haldex computer sences that there this loss of traction and "very slowly" sends the power to the back of the car thus enguageing in actual AWD.
I have seen the very shitty imo HALDEX hard at work at waterfest. In R32's which have HALDEX or 4motion i wittnesed at the track then when they launch how the system is inferiour to real Torsen driven Quattro. As the car launches the front wheels start to spin, the car then bogs (beucase it sends the power to the back) and then fully grips and takes off. A torsen driven car would (if launched properly) grip and go with no bogging.
Now I know what people say that you can upgrade your haldex controler to a "race controler" but all that does is make the entire process a little quicker. The car is still FWD until the front wheels slip then the computer sences this faster and send the power to the bakc wheels. The car will still need to sence the front wheels slipping before it send the power to the back, the race controler jsut does the process a little faster. Now at waterfest i discovered a sweedish company that makes a little metal cilinder that eliminates the Haldex controler compleaty and truns the car into true all time AWD and ti cost around $300 rather then the 700-1,000 the race controler costs and this little piece takes all the computer shit out while still using the haldex fluid.
Another down side to the haldex driven cars is that the fluid and filter (like $120 or something stupid like that) has to be changed Once a year or every 15,000km.
So there you go. i would say your best bet is getting an audi 90 and building that beast up. I know that car can easily handle 600hp on a built engine and i heard that the 5 cilinder in that car is like tank strong. Also maby concider a B5 a4 mostly gutted IE everything from the back seats to the trunk. and build a monster out of that.
